Building a GCC in India!

Starting a Global Capability Center (GCC) in India involves several strategic, operational, and legal steps. GCCs, also known as Global In-house Centers (GICs), serve as offshore units providing various services such as IT, finance, R&D, and more to the parent company. We at Thellion have on the ground and global expertise in building GCCs in various Indian cities - predominantly in Bengaluru, the Silicon Vally of India! Starting a GCC in India requires careful planning, adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, and effective management of operations. Partnering with local consultants, legal advisors, and recruitment agencies can streamline the process and help navigate the complexities of setting up in a new country. Our GCC setup services include an elaborate attention to details and process. Here are the key steps / services that we include while setting up a GCC.

  • 07. People & Organization

    - Organization Structure (Local / Global)
    - Training & Rewards
    - Cultural Integration
    - Diversity and Social Impact

  • 08. Delivery Strategy

    - Service Delivery Framework
    - Quality Assurance
    - Collaboration Strategy
    - Program & Project Management

  • 09. Scaling

    - Performance & Delivery Monitoring
    - Continuous Improvement
    - Scaling Operations

Why us?

By focusing on innovation, operational excellence, cost, and long-term sustainability, we differentiate ourselves as a partner who doesn’t just set up GCCs but transforms them into strategic assets for your organization.

  • 01. End-to-End Setup Expertise

  • 02. Tailored Strategies for Optimal Performance

  • 03. Focus on Cost Efficiency

  • 04. Access to Top Talent and Ecosystems

Our BOT based Models

Thellion's solution is BOT (Build, Operate, Transfer) model based and can be customized based on client needs. We finalize the duration based model based on the services that a global company needs or requesting and their current status in India. Our solution is customizable and client centric.

Our Engagement Model

Flexible engagement model with effective process is our mantra to setup GCCs in India. A good partner can make the whole experience better and the results seem easier.

For more details, contact us!